Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Teaser Tuesday - a bit of political scandal!

Today's Teaser comes from The Whiskey Rebels, historical fiction by David Liss, involving figures like George Washington, Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. This is a LibraryThing Early Reviewer book, and I hope to have a review posted soon.

You know the rules for the Teasers: open your current book to a random page and choose two lines (I fudge a bit on the lines being between lines 9-12, I admit). No spoilers and all that. So here goes, a bit of historical politcal intrigue:

"They would trick patriots into surrendering their debt, and when they had enough they would get the American people, through their taxes, to pay off that debt, enriching themselves. It is the most monstrous abuse of power imaginable."

The Whiskey Rebels is due to be released September 30th. You can pre-order your copy at Amazon.com.

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