Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Teaser Tuesday!

Welcome to another edition of Teaser Tuesday, where I try to tempt you to run out and buy the book I am currently reading by posting just 2 sentences! That is no easy feat, but I think this might do it. Today, 2 provacative sentences from The Glassblower of Murano. I am really enjoying this one, so look for the review very soon.

Gusto, she thought, as he kissed her hungrily on the Ponte San Barnaba.

Gusto, she thought, as they drank Valpolicella straight from the bottle on the balustrade of her roof garden, their feet dangling perilously over the canal far below.

Now come on - don't you wanna know what happens next? I know, and all I can say is Gusto!


Harvee44 said...

Sounds quite romantic! Here's my Turkish teaser, www.bookbirddog.blogspot.com

Nise' said...

I do want to know what happens next! Great teasers.

gautami tripathy said...

Gusto! What happens next?!


Anonymous said...

I have wondered about this book and now how have definitely inspired me to pick it up. Thank you!

JoAnn said...

How romantic! I DO want to know what happens next.

Beth F said...

Super teasers.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm teased! Sounds like she is in Venice and I LOVE Venice.

Wendi said...

Gusto sounds like he is quite the romantic - kisses and wine on the rooftop! Here's my Teaser! ~ Wendi

Jenny Girl said...

Valipolcella has gotten me into trouble a few times. nice teaser.
Here is my teaser

Jess said...

Fantastic teaser!

Jo-Jo said...

My oh my...drinking straight from the bottle, sounds scandalous! My teaser is here.

avisannschild said...

Whoo-hoo! I do want to know what happens next!

kayerj said...

I'm sure we all knows what happens next! with GUSTO! read my teaser here

Phyl said...

Those really are great teasers. They do intrigue you and make you eager to know what happens next!

Mine, meanwhile, are at Bookishgal.

Staci said...

Gusto, lusty kissing and drinking straight from the bottle..sounds good!!!!

Margot said...

Sounds like a romantic read and, yes, I do want to know what happens next. I look forward to your review.