Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Teaser Tuesday

Good morning, folks! It's time for another Tuesday Teaser! (I always feel a bit like an old-time radio announcer doing this intro.) You know how this works: take your current book and select a couple of interesting sentences - something that will tease us into wanting to read it.

This week's Teaser comes from a book I just finished a book for my online book club, The Loved One by Evelyn Waugh. I don't believe I've read anything else by Waugh, but this was a quick read, lots of very dark humor, and I can't wait for the discussion to get underway. It also provided a lot of interesting new words related to the mortuary business, but more on that tomorrow. For today, I'll bend the rules a bit because I love this exchange between Aimee Thanatogenos and Dennis Barlow:

"But, my dear girl, you seem to have forgotten that we're engaged to be married. My theological studies are prospering. The day when I shall claim you is at hand."

"I'd rather die."

"Yes, I confess I overlooked that alternative."

So tell me, what are you reading this week?


Caspette said...

What a funny quote. Though possibly not so funny for the girl.

I cant say I have heard of this one so might have to keep an eye out. Sounds intriguing.

Monique said...

That's a funny quote. I have never heard of that book.

Off to do a search.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making me laugh! I've not read Waugh either, but that teaser has piqued my interest.

Sassy Brit @ Alternative-Read.com said...

Glad you bent the rules and gave us this dialogue -- very funny!

Now I want to find out more.


Anonymous said...

Cute teaser!

Literature Crazy said...

Very, very funny... I'll have to check this one out. Thanks for the tease.

Melissa O. said...

Lol, great teaser!! Very funny :-) I like sharp wit like that.

Literary Feline said...

Haha! That's a great teaser. Thank you for sharing!

gautami tripathy said...

I like that!

Tuesdays: Teaser/Whereabouts

Margot said...

This book should make for an engaging discussion. Good quote.

Hilarie said...

I haven't heard of this book. I do like the dialog in your teaser, it made me smile!

Phyl said...

I love that quote! Now I'm really curious about the book. I haven't read any Waugh either.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa! Looking forward to your full review of "The Loved One."


avisannschild said...

I love this quote too! I'll keep an eye out for your review.

Literature Crazy said...

Your tease convinced me, I put this book on my TBR (and blogged about it on my Friday Finds post.