Happy Tuesday! It's time for another Tuesday Teaser! You know the rules - open your current book to a random page and select 2 teaser sentences that will make us rush to the library or the bookstore and check it out. No spoilers, please.
This week, my teaser comes from The Brutal Telling by Louise Penny. It's billed as a "Chief Inspector Gamache Novel", and while I haven't read any of the earlier books, I just might have to check them out - it's been very good so far. The story is set in the remote village of Three Pines in Quebec, Canada, so I am getting to learn all about the Canadian police system.
This is an odd choice of teaser for a murder mystery, but with fall upon us, it sounded so clear and perfect for the season:
"This was the last day of summer vacation, and while it had been decades since he'd gone to school, he still felt the tug. The mix of sadness at the end of summer, and excitement to see his chums again."
Perfect fall teaser, I think. What's teasing you this week?
Nice teaser. Now I have to work out if it's a new book or if it has been published under a different titale in the UK! I've read three Louise Penny books, and they have all been wonderful.
Lovely teaser. Mine is here: http://rundpinne.blogspot.com/2009/09/puzzle-king-teaser-tuesdays.html
Good teaser - I love fall too... reminds me of when I first fell in love. ;)
My teaser is up to and it is all about LUST :)
Happy Tuesday - Miranda
I feel this way in the fall, too.
Here's my Teaser
I still get that same feeling every fall even though I am no long and school and the summers are just like any other time of year work-wise. Great teaser!
This book is on its way to me!
Teaser Tuesdays: The Sister Pact by Cami Checketts
There is definitely still that fall-feeling just like your teaser describes! I think it's from so many years of conditioning while we were all young and impressionable. Great choice!
You can check mine out here.
Great teaser this week.
Your teaser is perfect for this time of year. I have the book on my shelf but haven't gotten around to it yet.
Louise Penny is new to me. Will have to remember her name for my next set of mystery reads.
Great teaser! I can completely relate to that feeling.
Here's my Teaser Tuesday.
I've always hated autumn in itself, but I've definitely felt that tug at the beginning of the school year. More during my university years, but even in public school I felt it for a day or so. Lovely teaser!
My own is at Bookishgal.
Fall is my favorite and I loved going back to school :)
Fall is my favorite and I loved going back to school :)
That is a great teaser. I am always sad when summer ends and fall begins. I've never been one to be excited about starting school up again.
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